Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Faith means not merely knowledge of, but also belief in the purpose of history...

Faith means not only a knowledge of the history, but the kind of faith that believes in the promise.  Paul plainly testifies about this when he says in Romans 4:16, "That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed."  He judges that the promise cannot be received unless it come through faith. Therefore, he puts them together as things that belong to one another.  He connects the promise and faith.  It will be easy to decide what faith is if we consider the Creed, where this article certainly stands: the forgiveness of sins.  It is not enough to believe that Christ was born, suffered, was raised again, unless we add also this article, which is the purpose of the history: the forgiveness of sins. I mean that because of Christ, and not become of our merits, forgiveness of sins is given to us. For what need was there that Christ was given for our sins if our merits can make satisfaction for our sins?
~BOC, AP, IV (II), 50-52

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