Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Adiaphora are not worship of God, but can be used for good order, Christian discipline, and the Church's edification...

Regarding genuine adiaphora, or matters of indifference (as explained before), we believe, teach, and confess the following:  such ceremonies, in and of themselves, are not worship of God, nor any part of it.  They must be properly distinguished from ceremonies that are.  As it is written, "in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9).

We believe, teach, and confess that the community of God in every place and every time has, according to its circumstances, the good right, power, and authority to change and decrease or increase ceremonies that are truly adiaphora.  They should do this thoughtfully and without giving offense, in an orderly and appropriate way, whenever it is considered most profitable, most beneficial, and best for good order, Christian discipline, and the Church's edification.  Furthermore, we can yield and give in with a good conscience to the weak in faith in such outward adiaphora.  Paul teaches this in Romans 14 and proves it by his example.
~BOC, FSD, X, 8-9

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